Mother’s Day at our house means that Mom (that would be me) gets to choose the family activity for the day. Since I’m the most adventurous in our family and definitely the most adventurous Mom my kids know, they tend … Continue reading
Category Archives: Inspiration
River Sports, Music and Movement: Tunes For The River
It’s been around since ancient times, and evolved through countless generations, but whatever your preference, music has a habit of making you feel good. It’s great company and it livens up the soul. Add some river sports with your music … Continue reading
Wildlife Encounters on the Water
The words “canoeing” and “wild life” seem to be in contradiction, since canoeing connotes a relaxing and peaceful paddle on a remote lake or flowing river; while the wild life indicates someone who is wild, impulsive, excitable, and a party-person. … Continue reading
Richard Carney: Maine’s Treasure Diver
“It is the hunt that makes me do it,” says Richard (Rick) Carney Jr. of Brunswick, Maine. “Anywhere there were people, there is stuff.” Carney is referring to the thousands of old bottles, crockery items, coins, rings, and clay pipes … Continue reading
Love Letter to the Yellowstone River
We put our canoe in at Mallard’s Rest in Livingston, Montana, and paddle out into the middle of the Yellowstone River. Cottonwoods lining the bank are just budding out and perfuming the air. The mountains are shrouded in a rare … Continue reading
Monarch Butterflies Fluttering to Extinction: ESA Them Now
Like summer’s fog vanishing during morning’s sun, Monarch Butterflies disappear daily. At some mark in time—just like fog—meadows, fields, and skies will be clear of them.
No time remains on nature’s clock to pussyfoot. Merriam-Webster defines that word as refraining … Continue reading
An Interview with Filmmaker Hunter Weeks: The Mind Behind ‘Where the Yellowstone Goes’
Stretching nearly 700 miles (1127 km) through northern Wyoming and southern Montana, the Yellowstone River is the longest undammed river in the lower 48 of the United States. As a result, it’s also among the wildest waterways in America, twisting, … Continue reading
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